Sunday, March 27, 2005


Well... Saturday afternoon a couple came through our house, they were unexpected and without an appointment and came with Cliff Lodge a realtor here in town! He peeked in and asked if it was ok, and we said sure, and went out into the neighbourhood for a visit. A few hours later they called with an offer, and after a couple of counter offers we agreed on a price (which was our bottom line price to take). So at almost 10 PM last night our realtor Ken Endean (who has been incredibly generous to our cause, by dropping his commission) came and we signed the paper work. The subjects-to are financing (and they are pre-approved) and inspection and that is due on April 6. Then they would like possession date of April 29.

Here we go... time to get serious about packing and readying ourselves for the long road ahead. After much prayer and seeking God in this matter it is done. Now starts the more difficult part of the journey... so please continue to be in prayer for our family. We really appreciate all of you who have shown an interest in our lives and we look forward to the days ahead. Our joy is mixed with fear and trembling, but we know that God has called us and so we GO!

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement over this last few months especially. We look forward to keeping you up-to-date on where God leads us, and we look forward to hearing from each of you.

God Bless,
Charlene for the Knightly Gang!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Thank you for your prayers!

I just wanted to say thank you for your prayers.
God has answered our pleas for mercy and has granted me sleep.
I am so thankful for 2 full night sleeps in a row.
You do not appreciate sleep until you have been without it for weeks at a time.
SO I am truly thankful to God for answering our prayers.
He is a gracious and compassionate God and we are happy to serve him.
We would ask that you continue to pray for the sale of our home.
We had someone come and look this afternoon who has been 3 times now.
Please pray that he makes an offer that will be suitable to what our needs are in preparation for Africa.
So if everyone could pray diligently about the sale of the house this week that would be awesome.

We will keep you posted as we continue on this journey to Angola!!!!
Praise the Lord for He is GOOD!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Prayer and Financial Pledging Information!

On the road to Angola Africa...

Here are some ways you can help!
Prayer is the most important part of the ministry. Through prayer you have the privilege of helping those in places you cannot be.
Here are some options for prayer support:
Weekly prayer partner:
(We are looking for those who would choose a specific day of the week that we can know that you are praying for us)
Daily prayer partners:
(those who chose to pray daily for our family and the ministry)

If you have decided you will pray for us please fill out the pledge form (bottom of this blog) and know that we will be praying for you too!
There are several areas in which you can participate financially.
All donations can be sent to Hillcrest Baptist Church,
designated: Hillcrest Mission Fund (Pete & Charlene Knightly), if you require a receipt.

Airplane Tickets:
When the time comes to travel to Angola we will be looking at somewhere in the vicinity of $12,000 for plane fares to Africa. These will be one way fares.
Goal: $12,000 CAD

Shipping Container:
We are looking into shipping a pick-up truck, supplies for the farm (diesel generator), along with some household supplies (mattresses/ dishes/etc) in a shipping container. The cost for this will depend on the size we chose to send. If there are lots of donations made for the farm we will probably opt for the 40' container (the difference between the 20' & 40' is $1,500 US)
Goal: $6,500 US

Our target monthly support for living in Namibe, Angola is $2000CAD.

This covers:
*Vehicle/Medical/Ministry Expenses
*Emergencies(any excess funds that come to us personally will be directed to the orphanage project)

Orphanage Fund:
We do not have a set goal for this, but those who wish to contribute in large quantities can do so to the Hillcrest Mission Fund/designated for the (UIEA)Orphanage.

Crew-Cab Pickup:
We will be purchasing a diesel 4x4 off-road crew cab or quad cab pickup suitable for the farm and the Angolan roads.
Goal: Approximately $15,000 to $20,000

Contact Information:

Hillcrest Baptist Church
1393-9th AvenueKamloops, BC V2C-3X6
(250) 372-2021


As a part of the KNIGHT VISION TEAM!

I would like to:


Weekly, every, Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat


One Time gift $____________________
Monthly support$____________________
Yearly support $____________________

Please make cheques payable to: Hillcrest Baptist Church (address above)
Designated: Hillcrest Mission Fund/Pete & Charlene Knightly

"Knightly News” Regular up-dates on the work in Angola!
Via snail-mail: _____________________________________
Via e-mail: ________________________________________

Feel Free to forward or photocopy and give to friends or relatives that are interested!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Prayer Request

I just wanted to ask everyone to please pray for a few things in particular.

1. We have had 2 separate people through the house 2 times in 2 days. Please pray that there will be an offer made and that we can accept it and the house will sell and we can pack and move on in this journey to Angola. You can also pray for wisdom and discernment in what to pack and take with us.
2. Pray for guidance and direction (as soon as the house sells) in purchasing the truck that we need for the Angolan roads. Specifically for a 4x4 Crew Cab Diesel Pickup Truck, in good running condition.
3. For relief from my insomnia. It has been 3 weeks now and I am completely exhausted. Please pray that God will grant me the rest that I need in order to get the things accomplished that I need to each day. If any of this doesn’t make sense, chalk it up to lack of sleep.

We are very thankful and happy to have some friends from Manitoba here for a visit. We are trying to convince them to stay a few days. I hope that I am not keeping them awake by wandering around the house all night!

Thank you to those of you who have donated money through the Hillcrest Mission Fund and directly to us. We appreciate your contribution to our journey. For those of you wondering how to go about contributing or pledging a monthly support please email us for details at

We will continue to keep everyone up-to-date on the BLOG as things begin to unfold. Thank you for your prayers, we sincerely appreciate them.

Take care and God Bless,

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Brother Andrew

Good Morning!

My friend Karen, Pete and I went to Abbotsford yesterday to see Brother Andrew, God's Smuggler. His testimony of God's faithfulness was very encouraging. His book, 'God's Smuggler' was a great story of how he fulfilled God's call in his life and God's faithfulness to him as he traveled behind the iron curtain to deliver Bible's to people who did not have the opportunity to live freely as believers under the communist regime. You can purchase his book at if you are interested in a good read. I wouldn't necessarily recommend all of his books, but this one is definitely a hit. We enjoyed a visit with Fred and Micah and some of their friends from church who joined us at Starbucks afterward. Always nice to connect with friends!

Well, we arrived home safely at 2 AM, and I was able to stay awake to drive, since I have had insomnia now for 2 weeks (and counting). I have managed a couple of nights of sleep in the middle of the two weeks, but I haven't managed to shake the insomnia yet.

The girls are still in Cranbrook with the grandparents! They have been enjoying their time away from us (hmmmm)... teenagers!

Lots of lookers at the house, but no offers yet. Still waiting patiently on the Lord to do His work in His time. We do appreciate the prayers of those of you who are continuing to hold us up to the Father. Thank you!

Just thought I would write a quick update. Hope it makes sense... my mind is a bit cloudy these days from the lack of sleep, but this too shall pass!
God Bless,