In the months since returning home we have gone for blood tests, stool samples, and a couple of weeks ago I went for my ultrasound. I went to see the doctor last week on Thursday and I have several cysts in my uterus, ovaries and cervix. I also have all of the symptoms of cervical cancer, so I have been referred to an GYN/OB. On Saturday evening the doctor called and asked me to come in this week for more tests, but I have had to postpone them until next week.
Now why do I say perfect timing? Well, we have been hoping and praying to be able to bring a good friend over here from Africa, and God has worked it out that she will arrive now on March 4 and stay for 6 months (at which time I hope to travel back with her). Her name is Ndemufayo and she has never traveled outside of Namibia, so please be in prayer for her as she ventures out of her comfort zone... she is excited and scared at the same time. I am sure she will be a great help to me if I need to go for an operation... or whatever other treatment I might need. So although this was not our purpose for bringing her over, it happens to come together at this time when I would need her most! I am so thankful that God knows ahead of time and that he knows best.
Pete is still working out in Ft. St. John, BC. Talitha is back in NB with the rest of us, she is looking into TESL courses, and has her new camera (Canon Rebel XSi, SLR digital) and is ready to get creative!! Meagan has just finished up exams (and seems to really love biology), she is looking into taking a midwifery program in the Philippines when she graduates. Trevor and Tavis expect their report cards in a day or two and are HOPING and PRAYING to be moved up a grade (to where they belong).
To all of our friends, near and far, we would like to say thank you for your prayers, and please continue to pray for us. It has not been an easy year, but GOD is faithful in sustaining us, loving us and encouraging us. Please pray for a quick resolve to my medical issues, and pray for Ndemufayo's safety in traveling. Thank you for praying!