Saturday, July 07, 2007

June 2007


Youth for Christ had a talent night here in Okahandja and Andreas and Violet did a dance routine (pantomime). They won first prize in their category.
The kids have had visitors from their #1 supporting church in America (which was very exciting), there was a team of 7 ladies and 1 man who came to help with things, see how things are run and spend time with the kids, C&C and CtW. They also had visitors from Holland (a world champion long distance speed skater and his family). Some of the kids came to the roller-blade workshop and several of them came to the movie night at the MPMC.
Joanne the volunteer from the USA returned home after 8 or 9 weeks. Mari from Japan and Violet from Botswana are still here at the Ark.
The Staff are all doing well. Auleria and Rachel are hoping to attend a 6 month training with CHI International (if all things go well, you can be praying about that). We will miss them at C&C however! Pelgrina and Violet are still carrying on with Choose to Wait, and Lukas was offered a job and is no longer able to help! Violet is also continuing with Kid’s Club at the MPMC (which is supposed to be called the ROCK… so we might start calling it that in the near future).
Care and Compassion continues and they were able to supply the ladies with more blankets and jackets with funds that were so generously given by visitors.
God has generously blessed the ministries of Ark Okahandja as we have trusted Him for finances and opportunities to share God’s love with the people! Every one of the staff is experiencing having faith and how God provides for the needs even when other sources of money seem to dry up, they are amazed at God’s goodness!


We just wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU to those of you who are supporting us financially. Since the money is being deposited directly into our account or transferred through internet banking we cannot tell WHO is giving! So we just wanted to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for listening to the Spirit moving in your life.
Obviously we could not eat, have a roof over our head or be clothed if it was not for your financial support so this is very important to our family.
Your financial support also allows us to give to those in need around us and to do the ministry which God has called us to (as Christ’s Hope does not pay for our fuel, phone or other expenses which we incur when fulfilling the ministry here in Namibia).


This month Pete has been busy as usual with C&C. They had money to buy more blankets and jackets for the women. There are Bible Studies from Monday to Friday at 3 locations now. Amber and Josh (a couple from the US) tagged along a few times, also the team from the USA went for a few days while they were in town.
When the teams come Pete sits down with them and helps them to coordinate their schedules, dividing their time at the Ark, with C&C and also Choose to Wait. There is also communication before they arrive helping to maximize their time while in country!
Pete has also taken on doing the devotion time with the staff at the Ark. By the sounds of things they are enjoying learning something from a new perspective, they are taught so many strange things in the churches here. He is just helping them to see what the Bible says and in context.
He has also gone along with the Choose to Wait team (on one of his visits he spoke with the sister of the man who was going to organize having our stuff sent down from Angola… he is in South Africa and is distracted with a girlfriend!).
So along with helping things run smoothly at the Ark, C&C and CtW he also helps out with fixing things, running around, going on security call outs at 2:30 AM and whatever else can and needs to be done!


We initially intended to send Jonathan north to Oshikuku to help with the finishing touches of Ark Oshikuku… however he has been such a blessing here in Okahandja we are probably going to force him to stay for the rest of the two months he is here!!! I don’t think it is forcing him actually; he is an extremely flexible and willing individual.
We have been blessed by his presence. We now have another licensed driver to send on errands, someone to take the kids to the Ark on movie night, and a handy man who helps with building things and putting things back together! He has helped Pelgrina (Choose to Wait) by putting up cupboards in her home, put a door up in the Ark, and several other repair projects. He wrestles with the kids until everyone has to go outside to cool off (even Meagan gets into the action)! He helps with dishes! He helped Pete fix our light in the living room that has been broken since November! He goes with Pete on Care and Compassion. He has given me the chance to REST my body as you remember last month was CRAZY!
All I can say is we are all feeling blessed that Jonathan has come to join us in Okahandja and we Praise God for leading him here! We would highly recommend him to any mission organization especially for his willing spirit, flexibility, patience, generosity and overall godly attitude.


This month I was able to sell some of the necklaces that Jenny had made and with her share of the money she went north to pick up her son. He had gone to live with her mother when he was sick with TB. She hadn’t seen him for a year! She spent a week up north with her family.
Tommy her little boy has had a difficult time adjusting to life down here (it is VERY different from the north) and of course getting to know his mom again. Queen is jealous of the loss of attention, but I am sure things will work again soon!
Jenny has continued beading and is looking forward to selling more. Her family is probably more anxious than her as she ended up giving most of the money to them. She paid for her sibling’s school fees so they can continue to attend school. She has a lot of responsibilities for a young single mother. You can read more about her on our webpage: (


Along with the regular duties of CHI’s National bi-monthly newsletter, Prayer and Praise report, I have been busy with taking wedding photos for an APEX missionary (Buddy) and local gal (Julia) who had THREE weddings, beading, running on errands to Windhoek, and helping people where needed. I have also spent some time resting my poor wretched sick body!
In the area of beading it has been exciting to get some girls (ladies) together and teach new beading stitches, not only spending time together but giving some of the local gals an opportunity to make an extra income. Ndemufayo and Auleria came from the Ark along with a couple of the volunteers. It has been fun to fellowship and get to know them better!
I have been to the airport only twice this month, once to deliver Joy and Buddy’s mom, and another time to deliver Amanda (an APEX missionary) and her friends Amber and Josh (who spent some time with Pete at Care and Compassion this month). I have also been attending C&C more frequently.
I also helped with a roller-blade workshop one afternoon and then set up my laptop and Internationals projector so the kids could watch a Story Keepers movie. It was awesome getting to know the Dutch group (one being a world champion long distance speed skater) that came down to share their time with the children of Namibia.
All in all it has been a much more relaxing month and for that I have felt very thankful!

This month has marked a big change in CHI-Namibia. Walter the National Director resigned. The transition time for the National staff is going to be a difficult one but we trust God as He works through this. The Volunteer Coordinator for Namibia is also leaving August 3rd, as her term is up with CHI. That leaves Jandre, Pete and me at National Office and we have a commitment from Berdian Beukes to take on the job of National Director for one year.
We are confident that God is at the helm and so we will not fear, but we do ask that you pray for strength for those of us left behind. We also ask those of you who may be considering a career in missions that perhaps there is a place for you here in Namibia. It is not always easy but if you are called to missions God will sustain you. There are several openings available… COO (Chief Operating Officer), CFO (Financial), Volunteer Coordinator, Construction Manager, National Ministry Coordinator, and several other holes that could stand being filled.
So if you feel called to missions, please feel free to call us or email us with your questions and we will do our best to help!


Meagan… she is feeling a bit discouraged. She really wishes she could be in school and has found it incredibly hard to get motivated with learning at home. She is a social girl and finds it difficult to be at home all day. She has spent some time at the Ark with her friends, went to one day of the roller-blade workshop, made several trips to Windhoek with me, etc. Please pray for Meagan!
Trevor… he is a very busy little guy, always trying to invent something new. He has taken to baking cookies and cakes; of course, we don't actually to get to eat it as he is giving it away to all of his friends and their families. He is amazing at learning new languages and memorizing things. He really enjoys having Jonathan around! He also loves listening to music and wishes he still had his MP3 player.
Tavis… he also enjoys keeping busy and has loved going to find Jonathan after school at the CHI workshop. He has fixed up a broken bike and repaired some other things while hanging out with Jonathan. He is also doing very well in Afrikaans and memorizing scripture. He and Trevor are having a competition and doing very well!


We are in the transition phase with our finances and would appreciate your prayers during this time. Currently we are unable to receipt those who live in Canada (but we are working on it!).

For those who desire to support our ministry financially you can do so by
DIRECT DEPOSIT (either through Internet Banking or at the Royal Bank) into our
account or sending cheques to Ron and Marge (Pete’s parents).

You can contact us directly if you would like to deposit into our account…

Ron and Marge Knightly
Box 4, Ft. Steele BC V0B 1N0
Phone:250 426 4782

If you live in the USA you can mail your donation to CH-USA and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. The address is PO Box 52038, Longwood FL, 32752-0328, please include a ‘separate’ paper indicating that your donation is for the
“Knightly Family-Namibia”!

Thank you for your support! We are continually overwhelmed by God’s provision for not only our daily needs but for the ability to help meet the needs of others through the generosity of those who give financially to our ministry here in Namibia. May God richly bless you!


In regards to last months prayer requests I would especially like to say thank you for those who prayed for my health! Within a couple of days of sending out the report the pain in my chest went away! I have struggle since with a cold, sinus problems, and pain elsewhere… however I am thankful that God is listening to prayers of His people!
We are very thankful for the loan of bed frames to get us up off the cold floor! We will have to return our mattresses to CHI this month but we are sure God has that under control too!
We have been given wisdom and strength to deal with one of the situations where some children were stealing a lot of our things. I actually caught them in the act, and since they refuse to admit guilt we asked that they not come back anymore. We will find another way to see to it that their needs are met (without them knowing its us). This is a tough step to take, but God gave us the strength to deal with it!
For continued strength in my body as I recover from these little health issues that have all piled up!
For strength as we wait for those who will come to fill the much needed positions at CHI-Namibia, and guidance for those who are being called to those positions!
For peace and unity within our family. Satan is doing all he can to frustrate us, anger us and get us all wound up about nothing! Pray that we will continue to look to the cross as our source of strength and endurance! Oh that we might focus on the GOSPEL, and not ourselves!
You can also continue to pray for last months requests! They are still applicable unless I have included them in our Praise report!! Trust me you will hear about it when we receive our things from ANGOLA!!!
Remember God is GOOD… ALL the time!!!

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