Saturday, September 29, 2007

Great News...

For those of you in Canada who are wanting TAX RECEIPTS for donating to the Knightly Family... I have some GREAT NEWS!!!! The Canadian office of Christ's Hope International is "expecting" to have their office ready for receipting by the end of NEXT WEEK! PRAISE THE LORD! We are not sure on all the details but I will update you as I know what is going on. The Canadian director, Eric, is located in Windsor Ontario (Canadian National Office 432 Lincoln Rd, Windsor, ON, Canada 519-258-9373). If you would like more details directly from him you can give him a call. Apart from CHI he works a full time job so please be patient when awaiting a reply (as you will most likely have to leave a message for a returned call). Please continue to pray that all of the details will be sorted out and things will be underway for receipting our Canadian donors.

Thank you to those of you who have given without a receipt.. especially for your patience and sacrifice... may God richly bless you as you have blessed us!!!

We'll be in touch.
God Bless,

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