Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Hi there everyone. We have made it safe and sound to Ft. Steele (near Cranbrook) where Pete's parents are living. We had a safe and fairly uneventful trip across Canada (and a little of the USA)... of course traveling with 6 people in a van for hours on end is not the MOST enjoyable time, but we all survived!
As I sit here and look over my calendar I have decided that we must make some sort of decision as to when and where we will be places. We are having a difficult time focusing (still tired and adjusting from Africa)... but here is our tentative schedule for our travels out here in BC and then as we head back to the east coast to reside for the year (and maybe a bit) that we are home.
July 13 to 19... Ron and Marge Knightly's... Ft. Steele (near Cranbrook) BC.
July 20... Vernon, BC
July 21... Kamloops (25 to 27 Pete's brother and family from the Island will join us) BC
August 3... Ft. St. John, BC
August 4... Spirit River, Alberta
August 6... Three Hills, Alberta
August 8... Calgary, Alberta
August 10... Caronport, SK
August 11... Regina, SK
August 12... Winnipeg, MN
August 13... Ontario (somewhere....)
August 14... Ontario (somewhere...)
August 15... Quebec (somewhere...)
August 16... Sussex (back with my parents)
August 22... Proposed possession date of the house we are in the process of buying.
Talitha will probably remain west (perhaps Kamloops or NWT). Pete is also hoping to stay in the west for a period of time for some work! I will travel back to NB with the 3 kids. It's a long drive... so I am not driving at all now! :)
We appreciate your prayers as we travel, and if we are coming through or close to where you live and would like to meet up with us just send an email. We look forward to connecting with our family, friends, and supporters. Our next trip west will be longer and we will have an itinerary prior to coming, we would like to be able to speak in churches and small groups as much as possible before we head back to Africa, as we have some pretty exciting ideas of what we would like to do when we return!!! That is another reason Pete would like to work as much as possible out here in the west... the more finances we can take back with us, the more projects and things can be accomplished! After traveling through Calgary and Lethbridge we are convinced that having a container or two shipped to Namibia with things that people are just throwing outside the dumpster's would be an awesome idea. It was frustrating and downright saddened us to see what people throw away! There are so many people (even in Canada) who would appreciate a mattress to sleep on... a couch to cuddle up on... a coffee table to rest their feet on... all of these things we saw tossed along side the dumpster's.
Please continue to pray for us during this year of furlough, especially for the kids as they will try to settle into another "new" environment and hopefully construct a better foundation of knowledge before heading back to Africa, January 2010 (if the Lord is willing). We will keep you posted on our vision for the return to Namibia.
Looking forward to the weeks ahead!
Charlene for the Knightly gang!

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