Saturday, October 13, 2007

Update on Current Projects!

We have given you two opportunites to join in what we are doing here in Namibia in the PROJECT PROPOSALS post! I am just going to briefly describe them again.

Sateco is a young man from Angola who has a desire to go to University. He was accepted last year in the Engineering program but due to lack of funding was unable to attend. For a little more than $1000 Canadian he could be sent to university for ONE year... if 10 people were to give it would come to $114 per person... we have had 2 people respond so far... 8 more and Sateco goes to University to begin the process of getting his degree in Engineering.

Care & Compassion (C&C) is a ministry here in Namibia with Christ's Hope International ( It is ministering to the spiritual as well as physical needs of those suffering with HIV/AIDS. I have started a Beading Project to help generate funds for this ministry and now I would like to expand to Sewing! I would like to raise $2000 Canadian for sewing machines, material, notions, and all the other needed supplies to get things off the ground. An investment in this project will be a long term investment (the gift that keeps on giving) as we will be creating products to sell, which will continually generating the much needed funds to help those in the community who need it most, as well as generate income for those creating the products. When a product is sold 33% goes to C&C, 33% goes to the person who made it, and 34% goes back into restocking and expansion.

I would encourage you to get your friends (your work, your school, your old folks home, your church, etc) involved in reaching out! We will keep you updated on the progress!

God Bless,
Charlene, Pete and the rest of the Knightly gang!

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